Thursday, January 22, 2009

History in Humanities

Last semester I took a history course called Renaissance, Reformation, Revolution. In this course we studied much of the same period that we are looking at in this class. I enjoyed the 'tidbits' we had on art and music such as the rebirth of of art and music during the Renaissance. During the middle ages the patrons of the art were members of the church and so most of the art was very religious. Cathedrals were one of the greatest works of art of that time. In the early modern era, subjects of art were more individualistic and so were the artists. I feel like I learned more about why art changed and the overall qualities of the time, rather than delving into the actual artwork and getting to look at specific paintings. So far in this class, we have spent a lot of time evaluating painting and looking at what made the painting unique whether it is how perspective or form are used, or the variation of color and light. Even in our reading for today on King Louis XIV of France, the article focused more on his contributions to the art world instead of his role in government. This was a nice change from my history class and I feel like humanities well help me become more well-rounded in this time period and expand my knowledge.

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